ALBUM: Organisationsform narrativer Koharenz


Front Cover

By Anke Kramer and Annegret Pelz
The artist’s work is on the cover (above) and other work and an essay by her is featured in the text of ALBUM, a collection of scholarly contributions by professors, critics and investigators on the history of the organizing metaphor of albums and the current forms of album making activity in practices of art, science and social media. Published by Wallstein Verlag Publishing.  In German only.

“Paper Work” Exhibition Catalogue Now Available


Front Cover of Paper Work 

Available Now
The exhibition catalogue which accompanied the artist’s traveling museum works on paper show (more below) is now available.  The 168 page catalogue with 90 color illustrations contains essays by Faye Hirsch and Nancy Princenthal and an interview with the artist by Douglas Dreishspoon.  The catalogue, which won a 2008 Association of University Presses Award, can be purchased directly from the the publisher at Penn State Press or from Amazon.

Cover Art for The Afterglow of Minor Pop Masterpieces


Spring, 2007
The artist’s silver gelatin print, Near Moon Beach, was selected as cover art for the publication of Raphael Rubinstein’s “The Afterglow of Minor Pop Masterpieces,” a collection of constraint-based poems, printed in a limited edition by Make Now Press.

Cover Art for Toufic Farroukh’s “Tootya”


February 2007
The artist’s silver gelatin print, Chai Wan, was selected as the cover image for a new CD released by Parisian-based Lebanese composer and instrumentalist Toufic Farroukh.  Farroukh, also a collagist, draws from  a variety of sources and traditions in his compositions and arrangements.

Cover Art for Drawing: A Contemporary Approach


Cover Art for Drawing: A Contemporary Approach

The artist’s 1999 drawing”Still Life with Seal” was selected as the cover image for the sixth edition of Drawing:  A Contemporary Approach by Teel Sale and Claudia Betti, published in January, 2007, by Thomson/ Wadworth in a press run of 18,000 copies.

Cover Art for Censoring Culture


Cover Art for Censoring Culture
Spring, 2006
The artist’s 1989 painting “Untitled (39, 26,101)” was chosen as the cover image for Censoring Culture: Contemporay Threats to Free Expresssion, a collection of essays edited by Robert Atkins and Svetlana Mintcheva, published by The New Press.