Jane Hammond
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Dazzle Paintings
Lobby Card
(2000), Oil and encaustic on wood, canvas and lace, 71" x 78", Collection of the artist
Prevents Furring
(2002), Oil on three-dimensional wood panel, 65” x 35” x 3”, , Private Collection, Santa Monica, CA
Good Night Nurse
(2000-2001), Oil with mixed media on canvas, 74" x 98", Private Collection, Barcelona, Spain
(2001), Oil and acrylic on wood panels and canvas, 55" x 109", Collection the Contemporary Museum, Honolulu, HI
Mad Elga #2
(1997), Oil and mixed media on canvas, 69" x 102", Collection of the Detroit Institute of Art
Sore Models Two
(1994), Oil on canvas with metal leaf, 88" x 81"
Pumpkin Soup
(1994), Oil and mixed media on canvas, 72" x 86"
Irregular Plural
(1995), Oil and mixed media on canvas, 73" x 87"
Freezer Burn
(1995), Oil and mixed media on wood panel, 77" diameter
Midwife to Gargoyles
(1996), Oil on canvas with mixed media, 74" x 98", San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Keeping the Orphan
(1997), Oil on canvas with mixed media, 62” x 117.5", Private Collection, New York
The Soapstone Factory 4
(1999), Oil on canvas with mixed media, 74" x 98" , Private Collection, Portland, OR
A Scratched Itch
(2001), Oil with mixed media on canvas, 73" x 56", Collection Tucson Museum of Art, Tucson, AZ
No One Can Win at the Hurricane Bar
(1998-1999), Oil on canvas with mixed media, 108” x 108” overall dimensions (three panels), Private Collection, Miami, FL
Forests of Fire
(2001), Oil on canvas, 74" x 98", Private Collection, Barcelona
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